adult social Matches
Do you love Volleyball and Soccer and Trampolines?
Want to learn a great new sport that is taking Aussies by storm?
Learn to play BEATBALL, meet new friends and compete with others in social matches or compete with other teams that are skill matched to your level. Training sessions run weekly and social matches every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.
If you love Volleyball Soccer or Trampolines you will love learning Beatball as it combines the best skills from all 3 sports into a high energy, fun cardio workout that works to develop your fitness levels FAST!
🏐BEATBALL Training/Social Match Sessions
🏐 1.5-hour session, 7.30pm - 9.00pm
🏐Limited Spots Available.
🏐Meet new friends
🏐Learn a new sport
🏐All skill levels - Training Provided
🏐Safe and friendly environment
🏐Please contact for more info.